《2021十大正规彩票app》的目的很简单:防止在住房相关问题上的歧视. 不论种族,人们都应该有平等的机会获得住房和与住房有关的服务, color, 宗教, 性, 残疾, 家族的地位, 或者国籍. 但事实证明,实现这一目标具有挑战性. Unfair practices—on purpose and unintentional—persist that lead to detrimental effects on individuals, 家庭, 和社区. 通过培训, 意识, 和行动, REALTORS® can lead the effort to ensure the Fair Housing Act achieves the objectives laid out more than 50 years ago.


An investigative report aired in November 2019 by Newsday garnered attention in the real estate industry and beyond. 这项为期三年的调查在长岛进行, 纽约, and provides insights into ways real estate brokerages and agents engaged in practices that showed evidence of unequal treatment.


《2021十大正规彩票app》就其调查发表了一篇内容广泛的互动文章 在付费墙之外. You can also find the full 41-minute documentary about the three-year investigation on that page.

The investigation relied on pairs of testers to assess whether real estate agents were treating people unfairly. 配对测试——经常被公平住房倡导者和美国政府使用.S. Department of Justice and local governmental authorities—can reveal methods of housing discrimination that are more subtle than obvious violations.

测试者是演员,他们被要求记住关于他们生活和处境的细节. 一组测试者给自己提供了类似的环境, such as financial situation and housing-related requests; however, 两个测试者的种族是不同的.

测试人员拜访了长岛12家不同经纪公司的93名经纪人. 他们秘密记录了240小时的互动. 两名测试者的经历被比较,注意到不同的待遇.


  • 亚洲测试者在19%的时间里受到不平等对待
  • 西班牙裔测试者在39%的时间里受到不平等对待
  • 黑人测试者在49%的时间里受到不平等对待.


  • 要求一个少数测试者在把测试者带回家之前得到预先批准, 而不需要预先
  • Steering the two testers in a pair to different communities despite the testers presenting the same requirements and goals.
  • 要求少数族裔测试人员提供ID,而不要求白人测试人员提供ID.
  • Providing information about crime or ethnic makeup of neighborhoods only to the white tester in a pair.

通常在测试中, the 行动s of an agent were not indicative of a fair housing violation when viewed in isolation. Unequal treatment only became apparent when comparing the experiences of the two testers in a pair. 例如, it is not a violation to ask a buyer to get prequalified for a mortgage prior to showing that person homes if the agent asks that of all buyers. It becomes a fair housing issue when the agent makes showing homes conditional on prequalification based on one of the protected classes, 如种族.

The investigation also found problems with fair housing training for agents and brokers on Long Island. Newsday reporters visited six training sessions and showed notes and transcripts to fair housing experts. 专家们认为,六种分类中有五种“有时或经常不准确”, 不完整的, 让人困惑, 或缺乏数量和质量,报道称.


The REALTOR® 道德守则 also includes 性ual orientation and gender identity as protected classes.


于1968年签署成为法律, 民权法案禁止与销售有关的歧视, 租赁, 以及基于四个受保护阶层的住房融资:种族, color, 宗教, 还有国籍. 1974年的一项修正案将性别列为受保护类别. 1988年增加了残疾和家庭状况.


  • 拒绝出租或出售房屋的
  • 拒绝协商住房问题
  • 使住房不可用
  • 拒绝居住
  • 为住宅的出售或出租设定不同的条款、条件或特权
  • 提供不同的住宿服务或设施
  • 虚假地否认房屋可供检查、出售或出租
  • 从事轰动一时的实践
  • Denying anyone access to or membership in a facility or service (such as multiple listing service) related to the sale or rent of housing
  • 威胁, 强迫, 令人生畏的, or interfering with anyone exercising a fair housing right or assisting others who exercise that right
  • Advertising or making any statement that indicates a limitation or preference based on one of the protected classes.


今年一月, National Association of REALTORS® leadership unanimously passed a fair housing 行动 plan called ACT, 即问责制, 文化的改变, 和培训. The goal of the plan is to ensure that all REALTORS® do everything possible to protect housing rights.

德克萨斯州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®在4月播放广播广告,宣传2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®对公平住房的承诺. 消费者也可以在网站上找到有关公平住房的信息 mxrdf.com/fair-housing.


  • Work with state REALTOR® associations to ensure that state licensing laws include effective fair housing training requirements and hold real estate agents accountable to their fair housing obligations.
  • 发起一项公共服务宣传活动,重申NAR对公平住房的承诺, 以及消费者如何报告问题.
  • 将公平住房纳入所有REALTOR®会议和活动.
  • 探索建立自愿自测项目, 与一个公平住房组织合作, as a resource for brokers and others who want confidential reports on agent practices so they can address problems.
  • 建立更加健全公平的住房教育, 包括无意识偏见训练, 以及关于2021十大正规彩票app经纪人的行为如何塑造社区的教育.
  • 进行一项全国性的研究,以确定引起歧视的因素.
  • 介绍在住房公平实践和工作场所多样性方面表现最好的领导者.
  • Develop materials to help REALTORS® provide consumers with information on schools that avoids fair housing pitfalls.
在法律常见问题中找到公平住房的主题 mxrdf.com/faqs.

Other recent steps by NAR include creating a Fair Housing Policy Committee and hiring a longtime employee of the U.S. 作为公平住房政策的主管.


教育是改善公平住房合规的一个组成部分. 会员可以通过德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®找到公平的住房课程 寻找课程工具.

Local associations of REALTORS® can schedule 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®-approved courses on fair housing or request approval of a new course. 联系专业发展部 education@texasrealtors.com or 512-480-8200.

Brokerages can also schedule training classes for their businesses by directly contacting instructors. Brokers interested in 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®-approved instructors can contact the Professional Development Department as well.

NAR还提供 在家获得多元化认证 作为一门在线课程.

教育, 意识, 行动, and an eagerness to do the right thing will ensure that the goals set out in the Fair Housing Act become a reality.


  1. 真或假? 性犯罪者是受公平住房法保护的群体.
  2. 真或假? 公平住房法只保护每个受保护阶层中的少数群体.
  3. 真或假? 当地法律不得包括联邦法律未涵盖的其他受保护类别.
  4. 真或假? Advertisements containing descriptions of properties related to accessibility (such as “fourth-floor walk-up” or “walk-in closets”), 服务或设施(例如“慢跑径”), 或社区(“步行到公交车站”)不违反《2021十大正规彩票app》.
  5. 真或假? A landlord cannot charge a separate deposit for an assistance animal as a reasonable accommodation. 6. 真或假? 房东不能在租赁申请中要求提供带照片的身份证件.
  6. 真或假? 房东可以拒绝把房子租给吸烟的潜在房客.

答案:1)错误. 2)错误. 公平住房法基于受保护阶层适用于每个人. 3)假. 一些地方法律可能禁止基于退伍军人身份等特征的歧视, 婚姻状况, 或者学生身份. 4)正确的. Advertisements with this language would not appear to be violations of fair-housing laws based on HUD decisions. 5)真. 然而,租客仍然要对这种动物造成的任何损害承担法律责任. 6)假. A landlord should only use an applicant’s photo ID to verify identity and/or to check on criminal history, 租赁的历史, 或者信用记录. 房东必须统一一致, 要求所有申请者提交, 永远不要用带照片的身份证歧视申请人. 7)没错,只要这样的禁令持续执行.