Dallas, Austin, and Houston were named in the 2020 Top Ten Most Favorable Areas for Millennials During the Pandemic report by NAR’s 研究 Group. These cities have excellent opportunities for Millennial homebuyers.

NAR reviewed the 100 largest metro areas in the U.S. and examined improving affordability, 更好的库存可用性, Millennial-age人口, share of lockdown-affected industries, and job losses during the pandemic.

Year-over-year percentage increases in affordability helped Dallas (22%), 休斯顿(14%), and Austin (11%) exceed the 9% average of surveyed metros.

While the average surveyed metro area’s housing inventory shrank 18%, 休斯顿(-5%), 达拉斯(-11%), and Austin (-13%) fared better.

Texas’s metro areas have significant Millennial populations. Millennials comprise 35% of Austin’s population and 30% of Dallas’s and Houston’s respective populations—larger than the average metro’s 26%.

达拉斯的(21%), 休斯顿(19%), and Austin’s (20%) economies have smaller shares of workers in industries most affected by coronavirus lockdowns than the average (21%).

The average metro area experienced a 13% year-over-year job decline. Dallas (8%), Houston (8%), and Austin (9%) experienced lower rates.

大波特兰, 盐湖城, 凤凰城, 奥马哈, 得梅因, 印第安纳波利斯, and Durham areas rounded out the top 10. 阅读完整的报告 nar.2021十大正规彩票app经纪人.