Show Your REALTOR® Pride on Your Ride While Supporting Homeownership

If you’d like to buy a Texas REALTORS® license plate, go to 您可以决定是否想要“为您工作”牌照仅适用于REALTORS®或“德州是家”牌照,任何人都可以购买. 牌照的费用是每年30美元,其中22美元归TARHOF所有. Personalized plates cost extra.

This foundation helps change lives, 但许多2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®从未听说过德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®住房机会基金会, a nonprofit that works to promote affordable housing across Texas.


What is TARHOF?

该基金会成立于2003年,是一个真正的501c(3)非营利组织,独立于该协会. TARHOF promotes workforce housing and homeownership opportunities. 该组织有自己的董事会,由Texas REALTORS®领导层选择. TARHOF的董事们审查申请,并向他们认为正在为帮助人们拥有安全做出有效努力的德州组织颁发赠款, affordable homes.

“The board members are the fiduciaries of the funds, 因此,他们有责任成为这笔钱的管理者,在颁发奖金和进行讨论时,要本着诚信行事,” says Robin Harris, TARHOF’s legal advisor and associate counsel for Texas REALTORS®.

Where to Apply for a Grant

You can find the TARHOF grant application at 你可以在那里指导人们获取信息和申请赠款的链接. 申请需要提供有关寻求资金的组织的详细信息以及如何使用资金的描述.

What Does the Foundation Do?

该基金会帮助那些致力于为低收入德克萨斯人和那些在住房所有权方面一直被边缘化的人建造或寻找住房的组织. TARHOF grants also can pay for educational seminars, classes, and fairs on the basics of owning a home.

For example, the foundation has given grants of about $5,000 on average to multiple Habitat for Humanity branches; a Houston-based organization that educates renters on homeownership and helps them purchase their existing rental home; and the Hispanic Real Estate Brokers Association, 他们参加了一场捐赠比赛,为寻求自置居所的低收入人士提供金融知识讲习班.

Ruben Peña, the current president of TARHOF, says aspiring homeowners need help with crucial homebuying topics, like how to get a loan. 即使是一些人认为理所当然的小事情的信息, like cutting the grass or how to work a central air conditioning unit, can benefit aspiring homeowners.

What is TARHOF’s Impact?

哈里斯说,看到房屋所有权改变生活的影响是非常值得的. “What TARHOF can do, through applicant organizations, 是给人们一个属于自己的地方,建立个人或家庭财富,” he says. “The property will hopefully appreciate over time, 然后你就有了可以出售或传给孩子或其他人的东西.”

For Peña, 塔尔霍夫致力于帮助人们拥有自己的家,这是他投身2021十大正规彩票app行业的一个重要原因. Peña’s mother always told him, “Whatever you do, help the people,这就是他通过塔尔霍夫和他44年的经纪人生涯所能做到的. Peña了解第一手资料,它是多么重要,有一个地方住,并能够称它为自己的. 在一个12口之家长大,他的家人很难找到一个愿意租房给他们的人. After his own experience, Peña很感激能够通过TARHOF帮助那些有类似情况的人获得住房. “My ability to help people is why I do what I do,” he says.

How Can I Help?

“Texas REALTORS® is a great organization for members, 但我们的会员不知道要参与的事情太多了,” says Peña. “支持TARHOF的一种方式是购买一个德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®牌照. 另一个是宣传非营利组织提供的惊人机会. 如果你知道有一个组织致力于经济适用房的建设, tell them about TARHOF and convince them to apply for a grant. While an award is not promised, 通过拥有房屋来改变生活的潜力是值得应用的.”