Besides your broker, where do you turn for trustworthy information about real estate transactions? 每年, 成千上万的德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人拨打协会的法律热线512-480-8200. The 法律 Hotline is a popular member benefit exclusively for 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®—and the premiere source for legal information about Texas real estate law.

法律热线的律师不是你的私人律师, 所以他们不能给你2021十大正规彩票app你应该做什么. They will give you information about real estate law and related matters so you can make an informed decision.

在这里, the six staff attorneys answering hotline calls share some of the most common questions they’re asked and provide their answers.


No. 一般来说,一旦过了截止日期,有两种方式可以正式终止合同 一至四户住宅合约(转售) (tar 1601, trec 20-14):

  1. 双方可以约定终止并签署类似的文件 发放保证金 (TAR 1904),解除双方在合同项下的进一步义务.
  2. 法官可以下令终止合同.

我出价2美元.大联盟是5%但买家的经纪人在第9页写了3%. 在交易结束时,我需要付给买方经纪人多少钱?

美国职业足球大联盟提供的补偿将起到控制作用. 第9页 一至四户住宅合约(转售) (焦油1601, TREC 20-14) is an information page that should reflect the previously agreed-upon commission.

根据MLS的规则, 上市经纪人必须具体说明向合作的MLS参与者提供的补偿. 这些报价是无条件的单边报价. The unilateral offer becomes an enforceable agreement between the brokers when a seller and a buyer execute a purchase contract and the cooperating broker is the procuring cause of that sale.

虽然经纪人可以相互同意修改合作补偿, neither broker can unilaterally change the compensation as stated in the MLS once the buyer’s agent submits an offer.

除了, Standard of Practice 16-16 under Article 16 of the REALTOR® 道德守则 states that a REALTOR® acting as a buyer’s representative may not use the terms of an offer to attempt to modify the listing broker’s offer of compensation or make the submission of an offer contingent on the listing broker agreeing to modify the compensation.


在您拨打热线电话之前,请先查看您的问题是否已在网上得到解答 法律常见问题解答可在得克萨斯州2021十大正规彩票 There are more than 400 questions and answers addressing all types of legal and ethical issues surrounding your real estate business.

The landlord can’t automatically keep the security deposit due to a tenant breaking her lease. The landlord must comply with the security deposit accounting and refund requirements of the Texas Property Code.

作为财产法典的一部分, a landlord may deduct damages and charges for which the tenant is legally liable under the lease or as a result of breaching the lease. 这可能包括拖欠租金,以及高于普通磨损的损害. 进一步, the landlord is required to mitigate his damages through reasonable attempts to re-lease the property and reduce the tenant’s liability accordingly.

If only a partial amount of the security deposit is needed for the landlord’s damages after mitigation, the remaining amount of the security deposit must be refunded to the tenant with a written description and itemized list of all deductions. 第10D段 住宅租赁 (TAR 2001) describes what reasonable charges the landlord may deduct from a tenant’s security deposit.

冰箱在美国职业棒球大联盟中有销售. 如果没有包含在书面合同中,它是否与财产一起转让?


员工律师每天接听100多个热线电话, 他们努力减少你的等待时间. 这里有一些为你的电话做准备的2021十大正规彩票app.

  • 提供最佳回拨号码,消除未接电话和电话标签.
  • 准备笔记,随时准备合同或文件.
  • 总结你的场景或问题. 律师会问一些后续问题,所以你不需要把每一个细节都讲清楚. 你写得越简洁,他们就能越快地给你提供信息.

No. 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®应附上 非不动产项目附录 (焦油1924, TREC OP-M) to the contract or advise their client to consult with an attorney when appropriate (like when a lender prohibits the use of this addendum).

当买方想要一件没有列在第二段中的家居用品时, 不是永久安装的, 比如洗衣机或烘干机, 它应列在附录中.

我委托人出售房屋的合同泡汤了. 他和买主在定金方面有纠纷,尚未解决, 但他让我把这房子说成活跃的. 我可以?

卖方的首要目标应该是正式终止合同. That ensures he can put the property back on the market and sell it to someone else without risking a lawsuit that could stop a subsequent sale of the property.

Tell your seller to get advice from his or her attorney concerning the risks of proceeding with a subsequent sale of the property in this situation.

Remember that Texas Real Estate Commission contracts require buyers and sellers to participate in mandatory mediation to resolve disputes before

我经营着一个没有宠物的地方. Does the landlord have to make an exception for a tenant’s assistance/emotional support animal?


德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®拥有该协会法律热线的独家访问权. 工作人员 attorneys are available Monday through Friday to provide information about real estate law and related matters. 你的电话将按照来电的先后顺序被回复,通常是在你打电话的当天.

所有德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®均可使用该热线. The designated REALTOR® from your office will be notified via email whenever you call the hotline. The designated REALTOR® is the person responsible for all contact with the association and is named as the designated REALTOR® in the association’s records. 通常,这是你们公司的经纪人.


这取决于. Tenants and applicants with disabilities may request a reasonable accommodation for an assistance animal, 包括情感支持动物. 一般, a landlord must grant the request if the tenant has a disability and a disability-related need for the assistance animal. 房东可以要求你提供更多的信息, 例如医疗保健专业人员的文件, if the person’s disability and need for an assistance animal is not readily apparent or known.

也, 房东不能向援助动物收取宠物押金, 不得根据品种对援助动物施加限制, 大小, 或重量.

考虑给你的客户 房东关于援助动物的一般信息 (含2226). 此表格包含有关援助动物和公平住房法的有用信息. 房东也可以使用 对动物援助请求的回应 (TAR 2225),在承租人提出合理的住宿要求后.