The Texas Real Estate Commission this week approved changes to the promulgated 合同 and adopted a new form to comply with legislation from the regular session of the 德州议会. The commission also proposed a change to education rules regarding designations and CE.


9月1日开始, 卖家 will be required to provide a new notice to 买家 when 销售 property located in a public improvement district. 如果卖方未能提供所需的通知, 买方有权终止合同, 除了其他处罚. These public improvement district requirements are similar to the current municipal utility district notice requirements. 

新的形式, Addendum Containing Notice of Obligation to Pay Improvement District Assessment, is a statutory notice required for the sale of all properties located in a public improvement district. 出售所有房产都需要此通知, 包括公寓和商业公寓, 不仅仅是以前要求的住宅.

合同变更更新了第6段的通知语言, 通知各方物业是否在公共改善区内, 卖方必须附上新的附录. The 合同 were also changed to reflect the new addendum in Paragraph 22, 同意ment of Parties.

新合约将于9月1日强制使用. Although providing the required notice will also be required starting September 1, use of the Addendum Containing Notice of Obligation to Pay Improvement District Assessment 满足这一要求将是自愿的. Parties can use a form provided by the public improvement district if it meets the statutory requirements.

新表格和合同变更的副本可在 通过修订得克萨斯州2021十大正规彩票app页面.com,所有表单供应商将在9月1日前准备好适当的表单.

德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®法务人员创建了一份备忘录 这涉及到更多的细节:

  • 通知要求
  • 未提供通知的处罚
  • 正确填写通知表格
  • 确定物业是否属于公共改善区的一部分
  • 豁免通知规定
  • 责任限制.



The commission also proposed amendments to the rule that allows license holders to obtain CE credit for courses taken to fulfill a requirement of a professional designation, 比如GRI. The amendment includes a list of specific professional designations recognized by the commission for CE credit. 在变化中, license holders can still receive CE credit for these courses if providers have had the course for credit by TREC.


A video replay of the entire meeting along with the full agenda and materials are available at TREC的网站. You can learn more about the legislative changes from the 87th 德州议会 in 这是德克萨斯州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®法律网络研讨会.