虽然初始选择费应该寄给产权公司, the fee to extend the termination option should be delivered directly to the seller.

第6段关于 修正案 表格上写着:“买方已向卖方支付额外的期权费…… .“因为这种语言是过去时, it assumes that the additional option fee was paid to the seller before the amendment was signed. 修正案的作用更像是收据.


The fee to extend the option period is a negotiable amount between the buyer and seller. 没有最低或最高金额. 然而,买家不应该输入$0来延长期权期. If no money is paid, the buyer runs the risk that the option to terminate would not be enforceable. No matter how small the amount the parties agree to, the buyer should pay the seller. Failing to do so opens the door for the seller to claim the buyer did not fulfill the contractual obligation necessary to extend the option period.