With 消费者 increasingly alert to issues surrounding the use of their personal information, tailoring your 市场营销 based on personal information presents risks along with the potential for rewards. Personalized messaging may yield better results, but done poorly or mishandled, 市场营销 personalization can cross a line and alienate customers.

The online software comparison firm GetApp conducted 一项研究 of consumer preferences regarding 市场营销 personalization and found:

  • 91% of respondents said they feel like ads know too much personal information about them
  • 62% said they’ve opened an email in the past year because their name was in the subject line
  • 53% report that advertisements have become more relevant to their lives in the past three years
  • 42% are willing to share their email with advertisers for more relevant offers, but only 23% would share their marital status and 18% would share how many children they have
  • 18% say personalization has increased their personal connection with a brand, product, or service.

GetApp concludes that there are opportunities to realize benefits from 市场营销 personalization but only if used in a way that overlaps with the value 消费者 perceive receiving.